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Book of the week

New Land - Pre-Hokkaido Landscapes (signed)

Toshiki Nakanishi

Publisher's description

The mountains of Hokkaido, photographed like a distant planet. Landscapes beyond recognition. Unearthly scenes from a primordial world. In his photobook “New Land: Pre-Hokkaido Landscapes,” the Japanese photographer Toshiki Nakanishi engages the Daisetsuzan mountain range in search of untouched, pristine nature that has escaped categorization and colonization by human concepts. 

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Beyond Words is a specialist retailer of photographic books. 

We scour the planet looking for the finest photographic titles from a wide range of publishers, often importing from Japanese publishers and from independent small publishers books that are not widely available.

We have a reputation as a source for limited editions and signed copies. We also sell a range of the best photographic remainder titles at about a third of their published price.